Friday, December 15, 2006
Useful tips for choosing a domain name.
Once the domain name has been selected and registered, no one else can register the same domain name just as there can never be two houses with the same address. Your domain name can also be your Internet Business name.
You will want to take out a piece of paper to write down ALL the keywords related to your Internet Business. You see, you want your domain name to:
• be short and easy to remember (and catchy, too!),
• be relevant to the product or service you’re selling,
• include keywords of your product or service to improve search engine rankings.
For example, if you want to sell a product teaching people how to break-dance, then you will want to start writing down all the keywords related to break-dance.
For starters, write 100 keywords. What next, you ask? Write some more! Write 200 or 300 if you have to. The more keywords, the better. That is because this is a one-off activity. And remember that you will be using this domain name for a very long time, if not forever. Now, don’t even get lazy.
Okay, I’ll offer you some food for thought.
Are you parent to any child? If you are not, then imagine you are one right now. You and your spouse have a child for the first time. You and your spouse would want to give the best name to your child, right? Of course you both would! You and your spouse would brainstorm on giving your child the best name. “How about John?” “Aw, John is too common a name!” “Then how about …?” “I think the name…” and finally, your child has a name to be addressed by.
When brainstorming on your child’s name, you and your spouse consciously or unconsciously know that giving your child the best and meaningful name is VERY important because your child will be living with that name from cradle to the grave.
So, on the same token, why would you not think the same when brainstorming on a good domain name? This is your Internet Business. You need to nurture and grow it during its infancy stages before it rewards you. Are you not going to give it your best attention, too?
I hope that woke you up. Now, back to the keyword activity…
With the help of the list of keywords you have written down, you will find it easy to get a domain name that fulfils the 3 guidelines stated above.
In the same example, you would probably come up with a domain name like
Next, check whether the domain name has been registered or not. If the domain name has been registered by someone else, you will have to use another domain name. So, maybe you’ll think of using for a domain name.
When brainstorming on a good domain name, be sure to come up with at least a few names in case the domain name you wish to use is already taken. Remember - there can never be two houses bearing the same address?
Another thing you have to consider is the various kinds of domain names on the Internet. So you will have to choose carefully.
Below are some of the common ones:
• .com - stands for commercial / community. The most overused domain entity on the Internet. Recommended for your Internet Business.
• .net - stands for network.
• .org - stands for organization. A lot of online communities use this domain entity.
• .gov - stands for government. All government web sites use this domain entity.
• .biz - stands for business. Recommended for your Internet Business.
Good luck!
About the Author:
Mary Gallivan is an eBay powerseller of ebooks and software with resell rights at She is also the webmaster of
Monday, November 20, 2006
Affiliate Marketing Resources
The below mentioned affiliate-marketing resources and FREE downloads can make your online affiliate marketing home business efforts a lot easier.
Affiliate Masters Course - New To Affiliate Marketing and Affiliate Programs?
The Affiliate Masters Course has been described as the best course on Affiliate Marketing. It teaches you how to attract new affiliates, the basic tricks of the trade, info on affiliate marketing books, affiliate programs, affiliate marketing solutions.. Also included are links to some of the best selected affiliate handbooks, courses and products.
James Martell’s Affiliate Marketing Handbook - 2005
If you've ever dreamed of working from home on your computer then THIS is the only affiliate marketing manual you need!
Super Affiliate Handbook
The amazing story of how a woman, Rosalind Gardner, who with no business experience who earns over a pile per year...selling other people's stuff online!
If you have any interest in starting your own online business, it is recommended that you spend time researching the information available at They provide an amazing amount of free information and very reasonably priced services. They also have a fantastic two-tier affiliate program. You can use
SiteBuildIt! to create a website, and you don't have to know html, java, or anything else.
ClickBank Mall
If you want to search for products yourself, you can click above link. Just log-in and type "affiliate marketing" and you would get instant access to loads to such products. Provide them your credit card details and, voila,
you can instantly download the book of your choice.
Discover the Truth about Affiliate Marketing
Do NOT buy any info on Affiliate Marketing until you've read this from the 'Net's 2 Authorities.
For more details on google adsense and other marketing manuals, CLICK HERE
For more details on affiliate marketing and affiliate-marketing manuals, CLICK HERE
Check out these affiliate marketing tools, it should sure prove helpful.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Success Traits Of "Mom & Pop" Sites That Earn Over $100,000 Per Year
The site shares stories of successful "Mom & Pop" type sites, providing in-depth interviews with the site owners and asking really tough questions about the exact steps, strategies, tools, and software that these people have used to build and grow their sites to their current success.
If you'd like to check out these success stories for yourself right now, and personally discover these "No BS" examples of real people making real money on the Internet, then click here now to get the exact step-by-step details of how they're doing it!
Obviously, reading these interviews is a really powerful way to guarantee the success of your own web site, because you're getting a personal insider's tour of real sites, run by real people, that are making real money! Anyway, as I was reading through the latest success stories, I couldn't help but notice that, despite dramatic differences in the business models they use and the products and services they sell, these successful web site owners all share three common "success traits" that played a major role in growing their online sales to $100,000 to $600,000 a year
Success Trait #1:
First of all, one of the reason's why they're successful NOW is because they didn't let their lack of knowledge stop them. Despite the fact that many of them had no computer experience, never mind experience using the Internet -- and despite the fact that many had never owned a business before -- they just got started and didn't worry about making everything "perfect" the first time.
Remember, I'm not talking about rocket-scientists here. These are regular people, like you and me, who started running their web sites out of their own homes and are now making $100,000 to $600,000 a year with their sites. And believe it or not, almost all of them were making a profit from day-one! Sure, they weren't all making buckets of cash right away; but their profits increased quickly as they continued to improve on what they started with.
Success Trait #2:
I've already mentioned that these successful web site owners didn't worry about making everything "perfect" right away. And this is important, because rather than overload themselves by trying to become Internet marketing gurus BEFORE they got started, they just dove in and focused on one marketing strategy at a time, working extremely hard to maximize their profits with one strategy before moving onto the next.
This is a trait that really amazed me because even though these successful web site owners are earning substantial incomes from their web sites, they ALL talk about how they plan to snowball their profits and sales even more by strategically adding another strategy... and another strategy... and another strategy... to their web sites, one at a time.
Success Trait #3:
Interestingly, the one point that kept coming up again and again, sometimes two or three times in a single interview, was that all of these successful site owners confess they could have been earning a MUCH bigger income MUCH faster had they only avoided the costly mistakes started educating themselves sooner. And that's probably the most critical trait these success stories share -- they've all committed to educating themselves about the most profitable marketing strategies and techniques.
In fact, I could literally go on for pages and pages reeling off the hundreds of invaluable marketing strategies, techniques, tools, and software recommendations that these people share in their interviews, based on their own real-life experiences and commitment to educating themselves. However, I know it will mean much more when you hear, straight from the horse's mouth, these...
"No BS" Examples Of Real People Making Real Money on the Internet...
If you want to skip the failing promotions, and start learning the tested, proven strategies that real businesses have already proven to be enormously successful, then I'd highly recommend that you visit to take a private tour of "Mom & Pop" web sites that earn $100,000 to $600,000 a year and discover the exact step-by-step strategies they have used to generate these massive profits!
When I first came across I was shocked to find REAL successful people who were willing to give away their most coveted Internet marketing secrets.
So if you want to skip the failing promotions, I highly recommend that you --
Click Here Now and learn the "No BS Strategies" these real people are using to make real money on the Internet!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
The Affiliate Organizer
Let’s face it. Everyone wants financial freedom. And, who doesn’t want to be their own boss, set their own hours and work from the comfort of their own home?
Like you, these dreams finally got the best of me and I did something about it and, the good news is, that you can, too!
You see, as a successful affiliate marketer, I have finally carved out the life that I want for myself and my family, and in doing so, I have a learned a few things along the way, perhaps the most important being that organization and due diligence pay off and can make or break a home-based business.
In fact, I dedicated the first chapter of my Affiliate Marketers Handbook to organization (“How To Get And Stay Organized") for it is key to success in this fast-paced, ever-changing arena we call affiliate marketing. But, you don’t take my word for it. Dozens of my students have relayed to me that getting and staying organized is what they have found to be the most important, yet most challenging, aspect of growing their affiliate marketing business.
Fortunately for you, a cutting-edge, reliable tool has finally been developed that makes this once daunting, yet absolutely crucial part of being self-employed as an affiliate marketer a real breeze.
Now, if I had just had access to such tools when I started out, I would have saved myself enormous amounts of time, effort and yes, even money.
Using the new Affiliate Organizer software solution, I no longer waste valuable time searching for usernames, passwords, control panel logins, ftp addresses, locating serial numbers and the like and can focus my efforts on money-making activities that have catapulted my home-based affiliate marketing business to success.
What’s more, I use Affiliate Organizer to stay on top of DNS settings, keyword lists, even outsourced work to keep my business on track 24/7.
In short, it’s a one-stop source for any affiliate marketer and allows all the information needed to run a successful affiliate marketing business available with just the click of a mouse. And, if you’ve ever lost data before, you know what a lifesaver this can be.
Truly, everything is covered with Affiliate Organizer. Perhaps that is because the software was developed by a successful affiliate marketer who, armed with my Affiliate Marketer’s Handbook, learned what it takes to make a home-based affiliate marketing business a success and then set out to make the process easier for us all. Thank you, Jon Mill! Your software is making my life easier and my business even more successful.
Like me, you’re sure to rely on Jon Mill’s software daily and what you will find is that it will soon become the backbone of your budding business.
Affiliate Organizer gives you the flexibility to create your own folders and sub-folders so you can organize the program in a way that works best for you. Each folder contains input fields appropriate to that topic, with a Notes field as well to record any additional information you may want to keep. All you do is input the information and save it - simple as that! Affiliate Organizer also includes a Task/Alerts feature to remind you of important jobs to be done or appointments to be kept, either by email, sound, or both.
And, as a fellow successful affiliate marketer, Jon is the owner of a number of successful sites so he knows what it takes to get on top and stay on top.
This explains why Jon initially created the software for himself. Like me, he wanted to have everything he needed to succeed in one place, at his fingertips and preferable on his desktop. So, he set out to create this and much more.
And the best part about Affiliate Organizer is that it's all at your fingertips - no more searching through diaries or note books, or in my case, scrappy bits of paper, for that password or code - it's right there on your desktop.
Not only do I recommend this piece of software, I would say that it will help you dramatically in your efforts to win in this exciting and emerging industry. This software is just that good. Period.
For more information, visit .. You’ll be feeding them very well on the income you can make with James Martell’s Affiliate Handbook
Article Courtesy : James Martell
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Make Money on Your Computer ?
Try and think about how much time and money you spend each month simply going to work, and compare that to spending that exact amount of time on your PC earning a part-time income to supplement your income. Most of us work for 40-50 hours a week.
Then there is the drive to and from work, and it may surprise you to know that the average person spends another 20 to 40 hours per month simply getting to and from their job. Add in the time it takes to earn the money you need for car or transit expenses, work lunches, clothes…the list goes on and on.
Now what if you were to use that computer you have sitting at home for a higher purpose than simply checking email and chatting with your friends? What if you could make money on your computer – maybe even enough to quit commuting to your lousy 9 to 5 job and become a successful dot-com business owner?
Well, you can. In fact, anyone who has a computer, an internet connection, and a willingness to become an internet success story can step out of the rat race and really start to enjoy. Whether you are writing e-books, selling on e-bay, or become an affiliate marketing expert, the internet is waiting for you and your fresh ideas to make a go of it in cyberspace.
Writing e-Books – Share the Secrets of Your Success!
The e-book business is booming these days as people are starting to realize how their knowledge can be used to help others and make some money. Do you have a skill or trade that you know about? Of course you do. The truth is that everyone has a hobby, skill, or trade that they know enough about to string together an e-book. Your knowledge that has come from the experiences in your life is worth money to people who don’t have that knowledge!
Signing on to companies such as ( or ( is a great way to get started. Some e-books are novel lengths, but others are as short as 20 pages! And once you are done writing your book, you can easily promote it and set whatever price you want. Not only will you make money from people excited and ready to pay for your knowledge, but you’ll also have the satisfaction of being a published author with real publishing credits.
Selling on EBay – Building a Career off the Highest Bidder
In the years since EBay ( first appeared on the internet, it has quickly become the world’s largest garage sale/swap meet/online store. Not only are huge companies now making money by selling on EBay, but individuals and families have realized that they can build a career buying and selling their wares on the internet.
In order to really get a handle on the fast paced world of EBay selling, check out companies that specialize in bidding and selling strategies online such as ( or others, such as ( Making a living off EBay can be an exciting and rewarding career because you are literally shopping for a living!
Affiliate Programs – Be your Own Middleman
Making money on your computer is quickly becoming synonymous with affiliate marketing. That’s because it’s easy, creative, and the money you can make online is only limited by your willingness to learn the ropes and stick to it.
Affiliate marketing is a term used to describe websites designed to promote products for other people’s companies. For example, if you were to set up a website that discussed your favourite Disney movies of all time and your articles had links directing you to a Disney merchandising site so people could by products, you would effectively be an affiliate marketer for Disney. The company with the goods would pay you a set amount of money either for every person you directed to their products or for every person who bought something off the website.
Affiliate marketing is a great way to start money coming and keep it coming. By writing articles about things you enjoy, you’ll have fun writing up the content for your websites and your writing will be more passionate. Later, as your company grows, you can find a professional writer to do your writing for you to increase your sales and improve the professional look of your articles!
Affiliate marketing is an industry, however, and it’s important to learn about how the system works if you are going to be successful at it. Places such as ( are the perfect place to find downloadable information and e-book training courses to help get you started.
Why are you wasting all that time and money going to and from your job? Wouldn’t you rather work at home and be your own boss? Maybe it’s time to hang up your car keys and work clothes and look at a career as a successful company. Your family will love the extra time your spending at home with them, and you’ll be happy making money on your computer

Friday, July 21, 2006
Still Trying To Make Money With Google ?
Top Paying Keywords! $100 per click! You have seen these headlines, right?
Are they real? Can one person clicking on you Adsense links really earn you a $100? Maybe, maybe not.
Although Google Adsense and pay per click marketing through their Adsense adverts has become an essential part of most websites today.
In fact, Google Adsense has revolutionized the pay per click market by using an innovative approach to advertising.
There is no doubt that the Google Adsense program is one of the most successful affiliate marketing programs ever created, but can clicks on your Adsense links really earn you money? Yes, webmasters are making money with Google Adsense but how much, and how are they doing it is the real question.
In the early days of the Internet, website publishers earned income through selling advertising banner space on their sites. Usually these banners would be designed to catch the eye of the consumer in an attempt to get them to click on it. The website would then receive a tiny profit from the click through.
This was the standard way of generating advertising income until Google came up with Google Adsense.
Ironically, today the main challenge currently facing the affiliate solution providers is the competition from [pay per click] PPC search engine marketing.
You simply sign-up to use the [pay per click] PPC service and then, upon approval, you are able to choose the style of adverts to place on your website. This can be in the form of traditional banner ads or text links, in a variety of shapes and sizes. You also have the ability to manipulate the foreground and background colours of the PPC advertisements, allowing them to be blended into your sites style.
Each advert you publish on your site has your own unique publisher id, allowing click throughs to be credited to your PPC account.
So, what does Google Adsense actually do?
Google Adsense is a program in which you get paid for targeting your readers to another websites product or service.
A click through is measured when someone actually clicks on the hyperlink. A great many web sites now have Google Adsense ads employed. Google Adsense uses Google AdWords content and services in a display box that you place strategically on your website. Google AdWords customers pay Google a determined amount of money to place their ads. Google passes on around 60% of this value to Adsense users whenever an ad is clicked on.
Since the popularity of Google has risen to such prominence, Adsense affiliates can make a good living, if they can deploy the Google Adsense box effectively on their website. In fact more and more webmasters are making credible PPC incomes through Google Adsense alone on their sites. In short, the greatest thing with Google Adsense is that you don't have to sell a thing.
Google pays you every time someone clicks on the adverts that they place on your site. Google Adsense is easy to learn and it's possible to make anywhere from a few dollars to several hundred per day just by using little known techniques.
Whenever the Google Adsense ads on your sites are clicked, the amount you get paid will vary, sometimes greatly. The amount you receive depends on topic of the ads and how much webmasters are willing to pay to receive the clicks.
Let's say you have a goal of earning $100,000 a year from Google Adsense. Is that possible ? Let's see ... $100,000 divided by 365 = $274 a day. So your goal is to produce either:
- 274 pages which earn $1 a day OR
- 548 pages which earn 50 cents a day OR
- 1096 pages which earn 25 cents a day
Let's presume that you want to earn $1 a day per page.. for which you need per page
- 400 visitors, 5% click-through rate (CTR) and average 5c payout, OR
- 200 visitors, 10% CTR and an average 5c payout, OR
- 100 visitors, 10% CTR, and an average 10c payout, OR
- 100 visitors, 5% CTR, and an average 20c payout, OR
- 50 visitors, 10% CTR and 20c average payout, OR
- 25 visitors, 20% CTR and 20c average payout, OR
- 20 visitors, 10% CTR and 50c average payout, OR
- 10 visitors, 20% CTR and 50c average payout, OR
- 5 visitors, 20% CTR and $1 average payout.
You'd need 274 x 50 = 13,700 page views.. Does that sound too tough?
If so, you'd better look for more profitable keywords and ways to improve your click-through rates.
Let's assume you choose a goal somewhere around the middle, say aiming for 50 visitors per page and want 274 pages earning $1 a day.
You'd then need 274 x 50 = 13,700 page views a day.
Now, if you choose more profitable keywords and make $1 on average per page from, say, 10 visitors... ie., 274 x 10 = 2740 page views a day.
It might look easier to achieve. If your average visitor sees 3 pages, you now need 913 unique visitors a day.
Is that too tough to achieve in your niche? If so, create two sites, each attracting half that number, 456 unique visitors, a day.
Can't achieve those click through rates and payouts?
Then you'll either need more pages on your websites on more niche sites. I have seen click through rates varying between $0.05 and $300, so it obviously pays to do some research on popular keywords.
Also keep in mind that some topics attract much higher payouts per click than others.
For example, if your site is about topics such as debt consolidation or web hosting you'll earn much more per click than if it's about free things. On the other hand, if you concentrate only on top-paying keywords, you'll face an awful lot of tough competition. What you want are keywords that are high in demand and low in supply.
While it could contribute a nice little chunk to your income each month, don't won't follow the lead of those whose sites earn only through Google Adsense.
Mainly because there are times when their Adsense accounts are shut down by Google and they're left scrambling to replace lost income. So only use Google Adsense to supplement your affiliate marketing income and not replace it. Basically, it comes down to value.
Value for you, and value for your visitors.
This happens mainly because if you knowingly, or for testing purposes or even accidentally keep clicking on your own site's Google Adsense links once or twice, Google responds in a different fashion. Because, there are high chances that Google would a clamp on your Adsense account.
So, personally, I feel it doesn't make sense to build an entire site around financial products so as to make a few bucks on Google Adsense clicks, when you can earn up to $40 for a completed credit card application?
So, use Google Adsense to supplement your affiliate income and not replace it.
Basically, it comes down to value. Value for you, and value for your visitors. It's important that visitors find information of value to them on your sites, and you can do that by offering balanced product reviews and articles on the related topic.
If after reading your content, they're not interested in the product or service offerings, then perhaps they'll see an Adsense ad that captures their interest. So placing Google Adsense on your site is a strategy that will put money in your pockets even if your visitors don't buy.
However, in the same way you need to be smart about choosing lucrative affiliate programs, you also want to do your homework when monetizing topics with Adsense.
For example, one of the under represented niche topics with huge markets as a winner is 'snakes'.
Although it's hard to believe, the term 'snakes' had 152,857 searches at Overture in January, and that's a pretty sizeable interest in 'snakes'.
Now it's impossible to fathom who could be interested in such a market?
Kids looking for snake pictures for a school project?
People wanting to buy snakes or someone who wants to visit Snake River?
What are you going to sell? Snakes? The game, 'Snake'?
A $10 book on which you make a 15% commission?
A $60 poster from on which you earn a 30% commission seemed to be the best bet, but how many people want to pay $60 for snake posters?
Now, that's not enough interest or commission potential to build a site around 'snakes'.
So, how about incorporating Adsense to boost potential profitability?
Well, search Google for 'snakes' and see what comes up in the Google AdWords column?
If you want to monetize with Google Adsense, you have to pick topics whose AdWords advertisers spend mega-bucks per click. How do you figure out what those topics are?
If you haven't already done so, open up a Google AdWords account and create a new campaign. Add a list of keywords (one niche topic at a time), then click on 'estimate traffic'. The resulting page will show you the average cost per click for each keyword. Make note of the most expensive words in that list and optimize your pages for those phrases, and that's how you'll really profit with Google Adsense
Yes there is money to be made with Google Adsense and top paying keywords can make you more but don't get ripped off by paying too much for some "magic list".
You can find the above principle highlighted clearly below
Keyword | Cost Per Click | Clicks/Day | Cost/Day |
insurance | $17.41 | 49,893.5 | $868,645.81 |
credit | $8.67 | 25,705.0 | $222,862.34 |
auto insurance | $29.48 | 6,453.0 | $190,234.44 |
travel | $5.02 | 35,084.5 | $176,124.19 |
mortgage | $13.03 | 12,172.0 | $158,601.16 |
loans | $9.38 | 13,966.5 | $131,005.77 |
home insurance | $18.75 | 6,152.0 | $115,350.00 |
cars | $3.90 | 26,198.5 | $102,174.15 |
debt | $9.17 | 11,104.5 | $101,828.26 |
furniture | $1.76 | 57,463.5 | $101,135.76 |
The above information has been "borrowed" from XEDANT.COM
I strongly suggest you visit them, for a detailed breakdown of this awesome list.
It just goes to prove the fact that, keyword prices result in ZERO profit if there are no clicks?
It's cost/day (keyword price X clicks/day) that makes you rich AND not the keyword price itself.
Some Good Keyword Services Are Given Below
The amazing thing about the Adsense advertising system is how one simple change in positioning of your ads can have a profound impact upon the earnings you receive from it.
The average CTR by Ad Format, they say is
Format | CTR |
336 x 280 | 7.46% |
300 x 250 | 5.58% |
728 x 90 | 3.16% |
120 x 240 | 2.99% |
160 x 600 | 2.44% |
120 x 600 | 1.33% |
468 x 60 | 0.53% |
The above table makes some sort of sense, which ad format you should be using for managing Adsense ads...
Now this is not all.. you have to learn to how to position the Ad Blocks properly.. You will also subsequently realize that
- the 468 x 60 format is not as effective as the square box (250 x 250)
- the ads should be inside the page rather than in the upper part
- the colors of the ads should be similar to the colors of the website
- it is profitable to create pages targeting high-paying keywords
- the link ad unit is equally, if not more effective
- it is effective to shift ads constantly to gauge the most profitable sequence
- a google search box also should be added (although not a must)
- ore information regarding positioning can be found at the below link
You can also visit the AdSense Help Center for more Optimization Tips.. their link is given below..
Now I know of geeks, who have included a small program in their page, which makes the Adsense ads, constantly switch positions in line with entry and re-entry of the same IP address and other factors.. Don’t ask me how they do it, but logically it shouldn’t be too difficult, I guess a class or css file should be able to do it.
More info on this is available at below link;
Now for some of the don’ts with Adsense ads
Now for some other resources, before we close up..
150 Content Rich Ready Made AdSense Websites
You can start your own small Google AdSense empire within minutes. Each of these 150 sites have over 200 pages and cover different subjects.
The Desktop Adsense Cash Machine
You either have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars and dozens of hours finding content to build a website with. Then you need to have a search engine optimized website designed by a professional or designed through expensive website design software and make do with all the articles you have. In short, you need a content rich website to attract search engines, visitors, and clicks and other thingmajigs to your Adsense ads... This cutting edge desktop robot automatically finds articles, builds content rich adsense sites with them, and even uploads the completed sites to your server!
Adsense Profit Package
Cash In on the Adsense Revolution.. by visiting this website..
Google Cash- Chris Carpenter
The Definitive Guide To Google AdSense- William Charlwood
What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense - Joel Comm
Definitive Adwords Guide - Perry Marshall
Mastering Google AdWords Select - Ashwin Iddya
Google Profits - Wade Winger
Google Adwords Secrets
Adsense Profit Package
Google AdWords Keyword Tool - Get great ideas for keywords
Google Rankings - Check page position for your keywords
Google Ranking Factors ON and OFF page factors, what's important
Google Press Center Zeitgeist - Search patterns, trends and surprises!
Google Site Map Relatively hard to find and VERY useful
Google Weblog - Google's Blog
Keyword Density Analyzer - Check keyword density on any web page
Keyword Difficulty Tool - Analyze optimizing difficulty of a KW phrase
NicheBOT - Find niche keywords, assess the competition
Overture Bid Tool Check prices for PPC on your keywords
Overture Suggestion Tool - Great keyword ideas and search numbers
Datacenter Quick Check Query servers and check for BL/PR update
FREE Download - Search Engine Yearbook
FREE For 30 days - WebPosition Gold
FREE For 30 days - ARELIS
Gadgets, Google, and SEO
Google Ranking Factors - SEO Checklist
The Alexa Free SEO Tools - Links to the best SEO Tools on the Net
Article Submission Directories
Ping And Blog Services
Keyword Elite - Takes keyword research to a new level
Free 5-day course on AdWords - Perry Marshall's excellent 5 day course on Google Adwords.
Google AdWords Keyword Tool - Get great ideas for keywords while employing Google Adwords.
Keywords offers the top 500 searched internet keywords extracted daily.
Freelancing And Blogging Handbook - FREE Download
Guides On How To Make Money With Google
A special thanks to Rosie Gardner and Allan Gardyne for their valuable advise on google and google adsense.
technorati tags: Google AdSense Pay Per Click Marketing Google Affiliate Scrawl Google AdWords Marketing Affiliater Rosalind Gardner Allan Gardyne tags: Google AdSense Pay Per Click Marketing Google Affiliate Scrawl Google AdWords Marketing Affiliater Rosalind Gardner Allan Gardyne
icerocket tags: Google AdSense Pay Per Click Marketing Google Affiliate Scrawl Google AdWords Marketing Affiliater Rosalind Gardner Allan Gardyne
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Free Google Guides And Adsense Resources
There are many ways to make online and of course you can either start your own affiliate marketing home business or work from home and achieve this. Google Adsense is a fast and easy way for website owners to display relevant ogogle ads on their website's content pages and earn easy money. Because the adverts are related to what users are looking for on your site, you don't have to sell a thing.
You simply sign-up to use the [pay per click] PPC service and then, upon approval, you are able to choose the style of online ads to place on your website. This can be in the form of traditional banner ads or text links, in a variety of shapes and sizes. You also have the ability to manipulate the foreground and background colours of the PPC advertisements, allowing them to be blended into your sites style. Each advert you publish on your site has your own unique publisher id, allowing click throughs to be credited to your PPC account. So, what does Google Adsense actually do ? Google Adsense is a program in which you get paid for targeting your readers to another websites product or service.
A click through is measured when someone actually clicks on the hyperlink. A great many web sites now have ggoogle dsense ads employed. Google Adsense uses Google AdWords content and services in a display box that you place strategically on your website. Google AdWords customers pay ggoogle a determined amount of money to place their ads. Google passes on around 60% of this value to dsense users whenever an ad is clicked on. If you want to monetize with ogogle aadsense, you have to pick topics whose Adwords advertisers spend mega-bucks per click. If you haven't already done so, open up a Google AdWords account and create a new campaign. Add a list of keywords (one niche topic at a time), then click on 'estimate traffic'. The resulting page will show you the average cost per click for each keyword. Make note of the most expensive words in that list and optimize your pages for those phrases. That's how you'll really profit with Google Adsense. With ogogle adwords cost per click pricing (CPC), it's easy to control costs, and you only pay when people click on your ad. There is also cost per impression (CPM) pricing for those who prefer to target individual content sites and pay by the impression. You can set your daily budget, starting from 5 cents, and you can write your online ads, select the keywords of your choice, define your own target area and start seeing results. Google AdWords account is fully customizable for any advertiser, and with no monthly minimum spending limit or time commitment and only US$5 to set up your account, ogogle adwords is the ideal marketing tool for small to medium businesses. Besides, there are thousands of companies (that offer products and services through ClickBank) that need online promotion. This seems to be an exciting business practice and you can make easy money from participating everyday. Just choose a product - one that has an affiliate program. Set up an advertising campaign at a PPC search engine like ggoogle and choose how much you want to pay per click. Write a three-line advertisement and add your affiliate link. Whenever anyone clicks through your ad and buys the product, you earn a commission. Start by conducting a few test campaigns and soon you would be having one or two showing results. Then draft a time frame and over that period of time, test a couple of campaigns for a whole range of affiliate products. It is likely that within a month, you could be having several profitable campaigns. While the concept is simple, getting your campaigns to run profitably takes some expertise. You can also visit some forums for more guidance such as digitalpoint, webmasterworld and the warriorforum, and the guides highlighted in this page can also help you
Definitive Adwords Guide - Perry Marshall Perry Marshall has established a dominant position in this market by delivering a densely packed, detailed training course for beginners and experts alike in this, his flagship product. Many ebooks discuss the subject of profiting from Google Adwords but Perry Marshalls experience and advice outranks all those who have come before him. The Definitive Guide to Adwords goes far beyond the day-to-day business of making money with Adwords and delves into some serious marketing information.
Google Cash - Chris Carpenter The Google Cash teaches you how to succeed with Google AdWords. In Google Cash, Chris Carpenter demonstrates the methods that net him thousands of dollars each month without actually running a website. While the concept is simple, getting your campaigns to run profitably takes some expertise but, you can utilise any of the below mentioned Google Adwords Guides and Google Adsense Guides To Help You Make Money Online
The Definitive Guide To Google AdSense - William Charlwood William is the author of a number of publications about AdSense This is a comprehensive guide to getting started with AdSense and then maximising your AdSense income. Also all subscribers to his ezine and AdSense training courses can get a Free 1,000 High Paying Keywords Report. The Definitive Guide To Google AdSense contains 43 Chapters, 101 pages+ of industrial-strength AdSense Insider Secrets with in-built Affiliate Program
What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense - Joel CommA battle-tested AdSense Manual that hands you the secret keys to multiplying your Google AdSense income with a series of lazy, 10-second tweaks! Since being published in January 2005, the book has taken the Internet by storm, becoming the best-Selling AdSense book online. To quote "The biggest mistake you make with Google AdSense is just sticking the code on your web site and then ignoring it. If you are ready to step into the Google AdSense big league
Google Adwords 123 - Greg HaslinGreg Haslin, made $1,758 in ONE DAY by using the power of Google AdWords to sell affiliate products. Google AdWords 123 will also give you most secrets on how to start an affiliate marketing business The basic message is buy clicks that make fast money but this is not as simple as it sounds. Greg walks you through the process in detail and shows you how to buy low cost clicks that deliver high value sales and hence large affiliate commissions. It's all clearly explained and beautifully laid out.
Mastering Google AdWords Select - Ashwin Iddya "Mastering Google AdWords Select" is a comprehensive guide that provides simple techniques for optimizing Google AdWords Cost Per Click campaigns. It also shows how to cut campaign costs by choosing the optimum cost-per-click for your keywords. also offers competitively priced Google AdWords campaign management services. It includes screenshot based explanation accompanied by clear, concise and easy to understand writing.
Google Adwords Secrets - With or without a product or a website this shows you how to effectively use the Adwords system to make money online
Google Profits - Wade WingerA simple but very effective way to make money online. An exciting new profit making system that combines the power of Google AdWords with the versatility of ClickBank. The merge of these two power house websites is a profit making force never seen before
150 Content Rich Ready Made AdSense Websites - You can start your own small Google AdSense empire within minutes. Each of these 150 sites have over 200 pages and cover different subjects.
The Desktop Adsense Cash Machine - This cutting edge desktop robot automatically finds articles, builds content rich adsense sites with them, and even uploads the completed sites to your server!
Adsense Profit Package - Cash In on the Adsense Revolution.. by visiting this website..
Free 5-day course on AdWords - An excellent 5 day course by Perry Marshall that packs a punch.
Google AdWords Keyword Tool - Get great ideas for keywords
Google Rankings - Check page position for your keywords
Google Ranking Factors ON and OFF page factors, what's important
Google Press Center Zeitgeist - Search patterns, trends and surprises!
Google Site Map Relatively hard to find and VERY useful
Google Weblog - Google's Blog
Keyword Density Analyzer - Check keyword density on any web page
Keyword Difficulty Tool - Analyze optimizing difficulty of a KW phrase
NicheBOT - Find niche keywords, assess the competition
Overture Bid Tool Check prices for PPC on your keywords
Overture Suggestion Tool - Great keyword ideas and search numbers
Datacenter Quick Check Query servers and check for BL/PR update
FREE Download - Search Engine Yearbook
FREE For 30 days - WebPosition Gold
Google Ranking Factors - SEO Checklist
The Alexa Free SEO Tools - Links to the best SEO Tools on the Net
Article Submission Directories
Keyword Elite - Takes keyword research to a new level
Free 5-day course on AdWords - Perry Marshall's excellent 5 day course on Google Adwords.
Google AdWords Keyword Tool - Great ideas for keywords while employing Google Adwords.
Keywords offers the top 500 searched internet keywords extracted daily.
Freelancing And Blogging Handbook - FREE Download
Guides On How To Make Money With Google
Information Tags Only
Technorati Tags: google guides , free google resources , adwords , adsense , google tools , google guides , articles , article directories , technorati
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
James Martell's Affiliate Marketers Handbook
James Martell is a Canadian businessman who taught himself to build websites that rank highly at the search engines—so he could profit with Internet based affiliate programs and has written a first person account of his methods in a downloadable e-book.
He calls his downloadable home-study program, James Martell's Affiliate Marketers Handbook. Since the first edition in 2001, James has released updates, and the latest is the Affiliate Marketer’s Handbook 2006.
Using only affiliate programs, James has built himself a home-based enterprise that earns his family over $30,000 per month. He now represents well over 400 merchants in over 70 different industries.
This course does something that has never been done before. It teaches you—exactly how-to master Internet affiliate programs—at the same pace and achievement level that allowed him to generate steady monthly income—by gaining top rankings at the search engines for keywords associated with his numerous merchants.
This training manual is, perhaps, the finest home study program offered on the subject of Affiliate Marketing—also known as Associate Programs or Revenue Sharing—ever developed because none of it is theoretical.
It’s all tested and true.
Maybe you think, "Oh no, not yet another book on Affiliate Marketing !"
And I admit that that was my first thought too.
We know that Internet marketing and affiliate marketing are dynamic industries, which are continuously evolving..
When I came across the Affiliate Marketers Handbook and I had only a vague understanding of affiliate marketing.. and didn’t understand the topics at first. But then I read some of the raving reviews this book has received. Besides, the book and it’s author seemed to be serious and professional.
Basically, his methods work for anyone with an Internet connection, a computer, some basic software, -- and a desire to earn money with their computer, -- either as a major career change or simply a way to bring in some extra money into the family budget.
James Martel is a surprisingly good writer who sorts through all the hype and provides readers with thoroughly explained tips, techniques and proven facts.
The Handbook starts with a brief, interesting look at Martell and how he got into affiliate marketing. Reading the introduction, you are sure to be impressed with Martell’s insight and how he took what was in the beginning just a hunch, and turned it into a very successful affiliate marketing business.
What James Martell has created is a step-by-step guide to setting up your own highly profitable Internet business selling affiliate products. If you, by chance, pass any of his sites, you will note that most of his web sites are created with the search engines in mind.. the domain name, the titles of each individual page on his sites, the many articles etc..
Affiliate experts will probably be taken aback by the simple overall strategy that James uses to get top search engine rankings. Even though experts are likely to get pleasantly surprised by this Affiliate Marketer's Handbook, it’s easy to understand even for the raw beginner. It’s not complex.
For example, take his notes on Keyword Density. As he shows us, his original formula still works. Even so, in this revised edition, he shares with readers new-found ways to increase his Google rankings by as much as 30% with some adjustment to the original formula.
These new rules include: optimizing each page for keyword density by including "Primary and Tier-1 Secondary Keywords" in the following ways: Primary Keyword: use once in the headline and again, just once, in the first paragraph. Now, do not use this keyword again anywhere else on the page. For "Tier-1 Secondary Keywords: use once in the first or second paragraph, then nowhere else on the page"
Take Martell’s advice on a simple 300-word article. In his Affiliate Marketer's Handbook, he explains that keywords should be used repeatedly in the following density: no less than 24 times; no more than 36 times. Martell advises to “extrapolate the above ratio on longer articles and to randomly included Tier-2 Secondary Keywords throughout the text in no particular density, but added only as they would naturally appear editorially. This is followed by very intuitive clarifications, advice and tips that further demonstrate why Martell remains a cut above the rest.
But to find out Martell's even better way to submit, you’ll have to read his Affiliate Marketer’s handbook.
Besides the book has constant updates through his bi-monthly audio newsletter called the Affiliate Buzz. When you purchase the Affiliate Marketers Handbook, you can also choose to purchase a subscription to the Affiliate Buzz which covers updates and topics related to the manual as well as additional marketing news and even personal inspiration from James himself on affiliate programs
Another point to be noted is that no where in the Affiliate Marketers Handbook will you be asked to buy something. There are no meetings that you need to drag your friends to, quickly converting them to distant acquaintances. No down line that you need to keep motivated to create your income. And most importantly, no web space to sell to soon-to-be former friends.. basically no B.S
For those wishing to get rich quick while sleeping, don’t bother reading this book or this review.
This is a method which can provide income if you work at it. And if you work hard at it, a good income. That is all James Martell claims and I reckon he is absolutely right
As mentioned earlier, James claims that using only affiliate programs, earns him and his family over $30,000 per month. He now represents well over 400 merchants in over 70 different industries. We must also remember that he has been at it for quite some time and has more than 100 specialty shopping sites on the go—and has published nearly 12,000 pages of relevant content to the Net.
Most people approach their first online business with a lot of enthusiasm, but no idea of where to start. They read a little about how to do this or that, and jaunt off merrily in whatever direction that leads.
As they research how to start their affililate business, they keep hearing about one thing or another that they "have to do" And with each new thing, they drop what they’re doing and head in an altogether new direction.
Eventually, they get frustrated at their lack of progress and give up. But it is not so difficult to succeed, if you know where you’re going.
That’s why it is so important to have a step-by-step plan to get to your destination. And that’s where James Martell's Affiliate Marketing Handbook excels—in laying out a clear path to follow to your goal.
Martell’s Affiliate Handbook doesn’t just jump in with a bunch of random tips about how to handle isolated pieces of the journey; it starts you right off from square one with the basic necessities you need to handle to get your business moving forward to its goal.
It leads you through what to expect and how long it will take. It guides you to build from your success on one step into success in the next. And it takes you through the steps of building your business, while focussing on the most essential steps and towards the goals you set for it.
I like the Affliate Marketer's Handbook for its thoroughness and for its focus on following a clear and defined path toward your goals. If your goal is to succeed in affiliate marketing and you’ve experienced any drift in direction whatsoever, I strongly urge to pick up this ebook and follow its steps.
James also doesn’t hide the fact that he has done very well in his business, as the guide and his websites are sprinkled with stories and examples of his success..
Now what are other people saying about James Martell's Affiliate Marketers Handbook
"I have read a huge number of books, reports and articles on affiliate programs, so I wasn't optimistic about finding new ideas in this book. I was very pleasantly surprised. James makes more than $20,000 a month—how MUCH more he won't say—from affiliate commissions. In this handbook he tells you how he does it" - Allan Gardyne - International Expert.
"I personally purchased this book about a year ago. As I read through the book I learned exactly how he builds his cash generating websites and his special “Keyword Formula” which is worth the price of the book alone. I have used his formula and many of the tactics in his book to great success. The book covers not only the formula and how to structure your website, but also the importance of getting people to link to your site including other important factors you will want to consider. I must say that I was surprised how professional and easy to follow everything was, so well in fact that someone completely new to computers would be able to comprehend most all of it" .. Miles Baker, Marketing Expert
"Rarely these days do I have time to read an entire e-book, especially one on search engines. I thought I knew it all.... until I read the "Affiliate Marketers Handbook" by James Martell. His method is amazingly simple. No tricks. Just solid advice. Everything he does is up front and legitimate. He even tells you exactly how to get the same success"
"Another very interesting twist, is that the author makes thousands of dollars every month with affiliate programs. He is his own boss, sets his own hours, doesn't touch any physical inventory and has no clients. The ironic part is, we followed totally different paths to search engine optimization and never heard of each other, even though we live in the same city. It just goes to show how big the internet is and how much room there is for everyone to become a success. In short, no tricks, just solid advice" - Michael Campbell - Respected Search Engine Advisor..
"Hello James, I just wanted to let you know that Betty and I netted over $12,000 CDN last month. Once again I want to thank you for all your hard work, and talent. Your ebook was the "big bang" for us, you and your teachings were instrumental in changing our lives" - Brent & Betty Truitt
As a closing line.. James Martell's Handbook is a must for anyone trying to understand affiliate marketing and even how the Internet works in general. Besides, it is clear, concise and easy to understand
If you are at all interested in making income online from affiliate programs then I highly recommend the James Martell Affiliate Handbook.
This book in short, covers everything on how to start, build, and run a profitable content driven website. For beginners or experts James holds nothing back when he shows you how to use both contextual advertising as well as affiliate programs to make large profits online.
Without a doubt, this is the affiliate marketer's guide you want if you are looking for success in the aaffiliate marketing field.
James Martell's THE AFFILIATE MASTERS HANDBOOK is a must for anyone getting started in affiliate marketing

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Article Submission Directories
Most of them are good and their page rankings have been mentioned [althought they might be old by now]
Some of them have been repeated, but nonetheless, they are some of the best directories
Check them out... - PR4 - PR5 - PR6 - PR - PR4 - PR5 - PR5 - PR3 - PR4 - PR5 - PR6 - PR3 - PR6 - PR3 - PR3 - PR6 - PR3 - PR5 - PR7 - PR4 - PR5 - PR4 - PR2 - PR3 - PR6 - PR3 - PR3 - PR4 - PR5 PR5 - PR5 - PR7 - PR3 - PR5 - PR2 - PR4 -PR4 -PR4 - PR5 -PR4 - PR4 - PR4 - PR3 - PR4 - PR3 - PR5 - PR3 - PR4 - PR5 - PR3 - PR7 - PR3 - PR4 -PR6 -PR3 -PR3 - PR6 , PR0 , PR0 , PR3 , PR0 , PR4 , PR6 , PR0 , PR6 , PR4 , PR3 , PR5 , PR5 , PR3 , PR0 , PR4 , PR0 , PR3 , PR0 , PR6 , PR0 , PR6 , PR0 , PR4 , PR0 , PR3 , PR0 , PR2 , PR5 , PR4 , PR3 , PR4 , PR3 , PR0 , PR4 , PR0 , PR3 , PR0 , PR2 , PR0 , PR0 , PR5 , PR0 , PR0 , PR2 , PR3 , PR0 , PR0 , PR3 , PR3 , PR4 , PR0 , PR0 , PR0 , PR0 , PR0 , PR0 , PR3 , PR2 , PR3 , PR0 , PR0 , PR4 , PR0 , PR4 , PR0 , PR3 , PR0 , PR3 , PR0 , PR0 , PR0 , PR0 , PR0 , PR1 , PR0 , PR0 , PR4 , PR5 , PR0 , PR0 , PR5 , PR4 , PR0 , PR4 , PR6 , PR6 , PR5 , PR0 , PR5 , PR4 , PR4 , PR6 , PR3 , PR0 , PR4 , PR2 , PR5 , PR6 , PR5 , PR1 , PR2 , PR4 , PR6 , PR3 , PR0 , PR3 , PR4 , PR0 , PR4 , PR3 , PR3 , PR6 , PR2 , PR5 , PR5 , PR0 , PR5 , PR5 , PR5 , PR5 , PR5 , PR5 , PR5 , PR5 , PR4 , PR3 , PR5 , PR5 , PR6 , PR3 , PR0 , PR4 , PR4 , PR5 , PR3 , PR0 , PR0 , PR1 , PR2 , PR2 , PR2 , PR0 , PR3 , PR3 , PR1 , PR4 , PR5 , PR0 , PR6 , PR0 , PR0 , PR0 , PR2 , PR3 , PR3 , PR0 , PR7 , PR6 , PR6 , PR6 , PR6 , PR0 , PR0 , PR4 , PR5 , PR0 , PR4 , PR4 , PR0 , PR3 , PR4 , PR4 , PR2 , PR5 , PR3 , PR0 , PR4 , PR5 , PR5 , PR0 , PR5 , PR5 , PR6 , PR5 , PR5 , PR0
In return for this, you could do me a favor, by bookmarking this in any of the below...

Sunday, April 16, 2006
Your Adsense account is banned !
And when some one clicks on those ads that you display - a few cents tumble into your account.
Now have you found that the promise of making hundreds of dollars a day from displaying pay-per-click ads on your website is falling short of expectations?
Or have you ever received this message any time - Your account is disabled because of invalid clicks.
Now what ?
Look around for alternatives - nothing else
Forget about it. It is highly unlikely that Google will unlock your account again, unless you have a fantastic reason (these are a rarity).
So don't waste your time. Remember it is the Internet age and everything is automated and Google's answers to any sincere and arguing emails would be useless. Mainly because, they are completely robotized.
Whether you find that the promise of making hundreds of dollars a day from displaying pay-per-click ads on your website is falling short of expectations, or whether your account is disabled, then only you start checking around for alternatives..
I can never understand how guys make such a huge inflow with one or two fly by nite sites - just imagine the inflow in a day.
At least, logically I can never figure out how they do it - ref. the below article.
Now, instead of making your fortune from the pay-per-click revolution where you normally tend to make much more than a few cents a day or perhaps a couple of dollars at best.
Now why settle for this handful of cents?
As they say you find out, only when the need arises.
And just when you thought Google AdWords was the only game in town when it comes to displaying contextual ads.
Take for example - Affiliate Sensor - It is almost as easy to use as Adsense.
Affiliate Sensor's new context-relevant, text-link affiliate ad blocks let you choose from ClickBank's over 10,000 products by copying and pasting a little JavaScript onto your web pages.
You show only context-relevant, highly targeted text ads that you have control over. Just think when someone clicks on these ClickBank ads you make a profit and a pretty good one at that. Check it out.
They do have the ability to customize the ads just like Google does so you can make them look exactly like Adsense ads.
You can also either select the search terms to match with your site OR let the program determine them from the page title and heading.
Real-time reporting of clicks by domain, page and referrer is provided.
Since all the ads are shown from the ClickBank mall, the way it works is that they will substitute your ClickBank ID into the ads 90% of the time.
5% of the impressions goes to the account you sign up under, and 5% goes to AffiliateSensor. So for every 100 ads you show on your site, your ClickBank ID will show up on 90 of them, 5 will have the ID of the account you signed up under, and 5 will be AffiliateSensor's ID.
Check it out. You'll like it. Besides it's interface is simple
However, please do double-check. As they have been complaints that in Safari and Mozilla and on the Mac under OSX, the ads do not show up. However with Firefox they do work.
You will like the ability to display the ads that YOU WANT as opposed to some silly algo deciding.
Try it for yourself
Or, if you want to get your own FREE ClickBank Mall
Until next time !
